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Добро пожаловать на FSELL- крупнейший теневой форум. У нас Вы сможете найти огромное количество заработка в интернете, купить паспорт, ксиву, оружие, куча многих товаров и услуг, в виде пробива, взлома, нанять киллера. Все это Вы найдете на нашем форуме! Не пренебрегайте услугами Гарант-Сервиса, это убережет Вас от мошенников.

Passwords, cookies, cryptowallets, files, etc stealer


New Member
Multifunctional non-resident styler.

Stiller of saved passwords, cookies, autocomplete from browsers:
Х Google Chrome
Х Mozilla Firefox
Х Internet Explorer
Х Microsoft Edge
Х YandexBrowser
Х Opera
Х InternetMail
Х Komododragon
Х Amigo
Х Bromine
Х Chrome
Х 360Browser
Х Nichrome
Х RockMelt
Х Vivaldi
Х GoBrowser
Х Satellite
Х Comet
Х Uranium
Х Epic
Х Brave
Х CocCoc
Х CentBrowser
Х 7Star
Х ElementsBrowser
Х TorBro
Х Sukhba
Х SaferBrowser
Х Mustang
Х Superbird
Х Chedot
Х Torch
Х Waterfox
Х Cyberfox
Х Komodo IceDragon
Х PaleMoon
(Cookies in Netscape format, in the admin area there is a converter in JSON)

Styler of saved passwords from:
Email clients
Х Prospects
Х Thunderbird
FTP clients
Х Filezilla
IM clients
Х Pidgin
Х PSI Plus

Anoncoin, Armory, BBQcoin, Bitcoin Core, Bytecoin, Craftcoin, DashCoin, Devcoin, Digitalcoin, Electrum, Fastcoin, Feathercoin, Florincoin, Franko, Freicoin, GoldCoin, I0coin, Infinitecoin, Ixcoin, Junkcoin, Litecoin, Luckycoin, Megacoin, Mincoin, Monero , MultiBit, Namecoin, NovaCoin, Phoenixcoin, PPCoin, Primecoin, ProtoShares, Quarkcoin, Tagcoin, Terracoin, Worldcoin, Yacoin, Zetacoin

Stiller correspondence from Skype
Stiller cookies, Telegram, you can get a sweat on your account
The Steam client files styler (ssfn + vdf)
The ability to take a screenshot while the styler is running (screenshot)

Powerful file grabber:
- Ability to specify startup directories for search
- Filter by file name mask
- Filter by file size
- Sub-folder handling
- Label processing
- Exceptions

Collection of system information:
- List of application programs and their versions
- A tree-like list of running processes
- Information about the processor, video card, RAM, screen resolution, keyboard layouts, timezone, user name, computer, OS version

Built-in loader:
- After sending the report, you can download the file

The required functionality is turned on / off in the admin panel

- Installed on your hosting
- Has various filters in the list of reports and passwords.
- Ability to download a report from the machine, which is a zip-archive with data

Additional functions
- Stiller can restart on behalf of the user, if launched on behalf of the system
- Self-removal after sending the report (it is included in the admin panel)
- Support for .bit domains
- Possible to build in dll

* Rent Price 300 $ per month

telegram @btcstiler (https://t.me/btcstiler)